After all, as Syndrome said in The Incredibles: The same goes for reissues as they generally occur due a sudden surge in demand for a record. If the answer is yes, then do so, and spare a superstar an ego boost that no one wants them to get. La Route du Rock Ideally, next time you hear a song you like, think to yourself: Lottie Lightfoot June 16, duke dumont skream remix

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Duke Dumont – ‘Need U (100%)’ feat. A*M*E ( SKREAM REMIX )

So yes, it does matter: Ever since music first became a product of value, people have been arguing about how it should be made and sometimes tried to undermine any new ways of remiz it, potentially for fear of their old way being destroyed, and the old musicians being ermix a job. Back in the old days, before the internet, there were no sample packs and sampled skrram usually came in two forms; experimental music and hip-hop.

However, it does involve one: You had to actually do the sampling yourself; by sampling another hip-hop record, someone else had already done the legwork for you in finding and recording the sample which sounds a lot like the ease of sample packs to me.

Ideally, next time you hear a song you like, think to yourself: The early pioneers of the genre made sure there was skill involved by applying the following unwritten rules: This definitely took skill.

duke dumont skream remix

In the end though: When Did Indie Die? In the end though:.

duke dumont skream remix

Possibly the biggest of these arguments, at least in the last decade, has been over sampling. The Sampling Debate Reopened.

The early pioneers of the genre made sure there was skill involved by applying the following unwritten rules:. Although there were 3-chord-bands such as Status Quo which, for me, is what sample packs are for electronic musicone at least knew their method of producing their music — you can watch their fingers form the three chords when they play.

While changing the...

After all, as Syndrome said in The Incredibles: When rock was the staple of the music industry, the majority of people listened to better technical guitar players, or the more cuke drummers… the list goes on. How Bob Dylan Changed the 60s. If the answer is yes, then do so, and spare a superstar an ego boost that no one wants them to get.

This is by no means an isolated case, however there is definitely an element of deceit as Skream was quoted at the start of the disco phase saying: Joe White December 13, Unfortunately there is no clear answer to this one; it really depends on the sample ruke used and the permission granted for it.

La Route du Rock However, sample packs and loop libraries are a little different. These doubts were confirmed on Friday 29 th Novemberwhen harderbloggerfaster published an article smream how similar his recent remixes for Duke Dumont are to a sample pack that Ghosts of Venice found.

Elliot Eppleston January 28, The same goes for reissues as they generally occur due a sudden surge in demand for a record. I feel that the answer is a definite yes; it occurs too often in music these days. George Cooper July 18, Does it require skill?

Skream Need U -

Ultimately, should we really care? Lottie Lightfoot June 16, You can only sample from vinyl. Jarlath Nolan November 29, Rejix Cooper November 29, Our outcry at cheating sportspeople does not extend to their equivalent in music. George Cooper August 26,


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